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DTLA/37 cover story in Los Angeles Downtown News
There's an awesome article on DTLA/37 in the Los Angeles Downtown News this week. The cover photo, taken by Lev Tsimring, shows the Sixth...

DTLA37 - signing at Dark Delicacies
Yennie and I had a wonderful book signing at Dark Delicacies in Burbank on December 17th. Thanks to all who came out and made the event a...

DTLA/37 - book launch photos!
Thanks to Yohan R.M. for taking these wonderful photos of our November 1, 2017 launch event at The Last Bookstore! You can still find...

DTLA/37 - Pre-orders now available!
#DTLA37 #DowntownLosAngeles #DTLA #EnVillePublishing #KathrynEMcGee #YennieCheung #TimRonca #LevTsimring

DTLA/37 at LA Times Festival of Books
It was great seeing DTLA/37 amongst other amazing titles by UCR Palm Desert faculty and alumni at the UCRPD booth at LATFOB this weekend!...

DTLA/37 - sample copies!
Just got to see early sample copies of DTLA/37, the book I've been working on about downtown LA! Part of the En Ville 37 series about...

DTLA/37 - Stories about downtown Los Angeles
I've been working with author Yennie Cheung and photographers Tim Ronca and Lev Tsimring for the past few years on a project involving...
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